漫游 发表于 2009-5-5 22:15:00


<img border=0 src=http://i.cqlp.cc/attachment/bbsxp/UpAttachment/2009-5/200955221451.jpg>

①夰愺姄 发表于 2009-5-6 00:23:00


<IMG src="data/attachment/bbsxp/Emotions/28.gif">

原野侠 发表于 2009-5-6 10:29:00



cclpgx 发表于 2009-5-6 14:10:00



如意 发表于 2009-5-5 22:21:00



原野侠 发表于 2009-5-6 10:44:00


<P>尽管它外观华丽且价格不菲.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 但它作为本田队队版山地运动自行车赛车的话.个人认为:它在设计上有3-----4个缺陷!!(欢迎梁平琦友拍砖)</P><P>难怪唯(台湾)捷安特才是世界品牌----自行车!!</P>

lpxxx 发表于 2009-5-6 14:12:00



原野侠 发表于 2009-5-6 00:03:00


<P>不曾见到,也不了解.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 就其形态和外观, 车架应该是本田公司的产物,前叉是日本<FONT color=#cc0033>KYB</FONT>减震器有限公司的产品.</P><P>这类自行车跟往日车友们常议时自行车车族的什么宝马,奔驰如出一铡...&nbsp;</P>

鸣哥 发表于 2009-5-6 21:27:00



三观殿 发表于 2009-5-6 06:07:00


<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG src="static/image/common/icon-quote.gif" border=0> <B>原野侠:</B><BR><P>不曾见到,也不了解.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 就其形态和外观, 车架应该是本田公司的产物,前叉是日本<FONT color=#cc0033>KYB</FONT>减震器有限公司的产品.</P><P>这类自行车跟往日车友们常议时自行车车族的什么宝马,奔驰如出一铡...&nbsp;</P><P></P></BLOCKQUOTE><P></P><P>网上查了,是本田为自己车队专门设计研制的山地赛车。2004年第一次由南非车手GREG MINNAAR在世界杯冲坡山地赛(自己乱翻的哈)使用,随即本田此项目永久终止-这款车(RN01)从未也永远不会投入市场对公众出售。</P><P>此车大量使用非商业化的专用配件;另一特点是绞盘内置。再就是后面调速的飞轮(好像是)跟后轮轴耦合所以只要后轮再转,即便不踩车也能随时换挡。</P><P>信息来源是维基百科,专业术语我不太清楚,谁要感兴趣看下面的原文。</P><P>The <B>Honda RN-01 G-Cross</B> is a <A title="Mountain bike" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_bike">mountain bike</A> produced by <A title=Honda href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda">Honda</A> specifically for <A title="Downhill cycling" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downhill_cycling">downhill racing</A> events. Honda is not a manufacturer of <A title=Bicycle href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicycle">bicycles</A> and this bike is not commercially available to the general public. It was introduced in the 2004 racing season by the <I>Team G Cross Honda</I> who competed in the <A title="National Off-Road Bicycle Association" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Off-Road_Bicycle_Association">NORBA</A> and <A class=mw-redirect title="Mountain Bike World Cup" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_Bike_World_Cup">Mountain Bike World Cup</A> points series races.</P><P>What sets it apart from most other bicycles is the fact that it was developed specifically for race use by the Honda team using many purpose made components not commercially available. It is also different in that it uses an internal gearbox instead of external (<A class=mw-redirect title=Dérailleur href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%A9railleur">dérailleur</A>) <A title="Bicycle gearing" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicycle_gearing">gearing system</A>, which although not unique to this bicycle, is quite rare. The gearbox on the RN-01 is specific because it is not a classic gearbox like the <A class=mw-redirect title=Rohloff href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohloff">Rohloff</A> Speedhub for instance. Inside the gearbox there is a classic derailleur, a cassette and a chainring. The freewheel is not placed on the rear wheel but in the bottom bracket so the chain is constantly moving when the back wheel is spinning. This allows the rider to shift gears without pedalling.</P><P>Honda was protective of the internal gearbox technology, often requiring mechanics to remove the gearbox from the bicycle after use.</P><P>Honda chose <A title="South Africa" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Africa">South African</A> rider <A title="Greg Minnaar" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Minnaar">Greg Minnaar</A> to debut this bike in 2004 as the then reigning <I>World Downhill Champion</I>.</P><P>The Honda G-Cross Team has now ceased to exist and the project has come to an end - the bikes are never going to be available to the general public.</P><p>[此帖子已被 三观殿 在 2009-5-6 6:12:52 编辑过]
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